Blessed Are the Cheesemakers

'The Princess Grace Memorial Blue sat on the table in front of Abbey, screaming to be eaten.'
This is the first paragraph of Blessed Are the Cheesemakers by Sarah-Kate Lynch.
Yolanda from The Mermaids Bookshelf sent me this book and I completely enjoyed it. Funny and quirky, it's a quick read and a lot of fun. The story is set in Ireland at a farm of two old Irish cheesemakers who employ singing milkmaids. The cows give their best milk to these young pregnant girls to the sounds of The Sound of Music. As in all good stories, there are some family secrets and mysteries that unravel as the story moves along. Corrie's granddaughter, Abby, has been gone from the family farm for way to many years and what really happened to her grandmother? The story also takes us to New York City to meet Kit, a stockbroker who has had his share of tragedy as well. A little bit of magic, mystery, romance, cheesemaking and a whole lot of quirkiness make this one an enchanting read.
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