Friday, February 16, 2007

Wuthering Heights

"1801- I have just returned from a visit to my landlord-the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. A perfect misanthropist's Heaven: and Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolution between us. A capital fellow! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with jealous resolution, still further in his waistcoat, as I announced my name."

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte was my 4th read in the Winter Classics Challenge and boy was it a challenge. I have, of course, always heard of Wuthering Heights and what a romantic dark figure was Mr. Heathcliff. Not so, in my opinion. This book is definately a tragedy in my eyes and not a romance. Heathcliff is a tyrant and needs to seek the help of a mental health counselor. My goodness does that man have issues!! The story is told through the eyes of Mr. Lockwood, a tenant at the Grange and through the housekeeper and family friend, Nelly Dean. Catherine and Heathcliff grow up together as brother and sister after Catherine's father rescues homeless Heathcliff from the streets of the city. They are inseperable as children, but when Catherine's father dies, her older brother takes over the running of the household, is tryrannical in his behavior and Heathcliff becomes little more than just a servant. As they grow older, Catherine begins to have other suitors and ultimately marries her cousin, Edgar Linton, throwing Heathcliff aside because of his lack of education and status. Heathcliff is mad with jealousy and rage and grows ever more insane with the passing years. The characters and story line are complex and ripe with emotion. This is a classic and quite the story, but not one that all readers will enjoy. I believe you have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy this one.


Blogger Framed said...

I had this on my list of Classics to read and opted out. I read it years ago but don't remember much. Sounds like I made a good decision.

9:22 AM  

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